Anthony's Page

Hi Everyone here in Listserv, This is Anthony James Medina a FilAmerican. I was born in Makati,Philippines on December 29,2007.And this is my Mom's story when I was Born:

My baby Anthony was born through CS.  When I was operating room that time, Everyone is very happy and excited the nurse, the doctors and my family.  We thought nothing is wrong with him because according to my OB, he is pretty healthy.  But, after the delivery I overheard the them talking about a Syndrome and AJ's pneumonia.  I was shocked and frustrated at first.  But I was relieved by my husband. He said, "There might be an explanation in science that answers all your questions but mainly God is the answer.  He gave us this baby for a reason and that is,to make our family even closer and growing more in love."

We believed, we are one of the best parents in the world, That is why he give us this kind of child.  He is a blessing that some may not understand.  A gift that others might reject.  But for me he is an instrument that measures how much I love his father.  He is an angel sent from above.  That is why we promise do everything to be the best parents for him.

Right after three months we sent him for his first surgery. The remodeling of the skull and the frontal advancement.  But it was not as easy as we thought since, AJ has a very rare blood, (RH NEGATIVE TYPE). No one in my family has a B- blood, yes! For sure it runs in my husband side but they are far from us. I thought he wont survive but GOD make a way to save him and we are so thankful for it.

Melody Medina

This page was created August 15, 2008

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